Selasa, 15 November 2011

Dan Jacobs Musician Interview

Q: how did you come up with the name Atreyu?

Dan: Our friend Scott Lloyd came up with it. We were looking for names out of movies or comics cause a lot of good names seem to come out of there and he thought of Atreyu.

Q: Who inspired you to become a musician?

Dan: Billy Joe of Green Day, suprisingly. I always loved music but when
I was 12, I saw the Green Day basket case video for the first time and fell inlove with the idea of being in a band.

Q: How did the band form?

Dan: Alex, Brandon and I were in a punk band that started when we were in junior high. After a while our taste in music changed and our songs started to not sound so punk and started to come off heavier
with a little singing thrown into the mix. We then decided that maybe it was time to start fresh and do things diffrently. We eventually picked up Travis when he and Alex worked together at Hot topic. Marc we picked up recently after loosing our orginally bass player Chris.

Q: How long has the band been around?

Dan: Since 1999. So about five years.

Q: How long did it take to record Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses?

Dan: 2 weeks.

Q: What tracks on the CD are your favorites?

Dan: Personally, I like 'Lip Gloss and Black' and 'Tulips Are Better.'

Q: How does the band decide what songs went on the CD?

Dan: We put every song we write onto our cds

Q: Rumor has it that you have a new CD coming out next month called "The Curse" is this true?

Dan: Yup. (Editor's Note: "The Curse" is scheduled for release June 29, 2004 on Victory Records.)

Q: Atreyu is scheduled to perform on the Ozzfest tour. Can you give us your thoughts on performing on a tour of this magnitude?

Dan: Words cant descride the feeling. It's truly a dream come true

Q: How does the band decide which order songs will be played at their concerts?

Dan: It changes every tour. we try to mix things up so that we don't have all our stronger live songs in a row.

Q: Out of all your concerts which one has been your favorite one and why?

Dan: Hmm, that's a tough one. Probably our last home town show at
the Glasshouse. It was sold out and I truly feel that our fans put on a better show then we did. I still feel the best part about a show is watching the crowd. Mad props to the OC kids. You guys Rule!

Q: Were do you see Atreyu in 10 years from now?

Dan: Playing dive bars to 30 year old metal heads.

Q: How does the band spend their time when their not touring or recording albums?

Dan: Being lazy, going on the internet, video games. Same stuff every other kid our age does.

Q: If a stranger asked you to describe your music how would you do so?

Dan: Heavy Metallic Rock.

Q: What do you like best about being a musician?

Dan: All the free stuff people give us. Never thought in a million years that I would be given free guitars. Doesnt get much better than that in my opinion.

Q: If you weren't a musician what would you be?

Dan: A sushi chef. I love that shit.

Q: Do you have anything to say to the fans of Atreyu?

Dan: You all are amazing and we would be nothing without you. Thank you all from the bottom of mine and the rest of The dudes in Atreyus Hearts.

Q: Thank you for your time I wish you loads of success!

Dan: Thank you.

Interview by Mandie Enos - © 2004 Florida Entertainment Scene.

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